Secured payment

GAROT is Partner with PAYPAL

By using PayPal as a means of payment to pay for a purchase, in France and abroad, if you do not receive your object, PayPal reimburses you the total amount of the transaction, including postage. In addition, this protection is free.

To take advantage of this protection, the main conditions are:

PayPal protects eligible material assets that can be shipped. Non-material goods (digital assets, downloads of software, services, etc.) and objects delivered by hand are not covered.

You must declare your dispute within 45 days following your purchase and meet the claim deadlines.

The total amount of the purchase must be paid at once.

Depending on the case, proof of shipment or proof of delivery will be requested from the seller. If the claimant is unable to provide this evidence, the refund will be made.

Your financial information is
secure and fully covered against fraud

Thanks to its most reliable payment system, PayPal makes your transactions without ever communicating your bank details to the beneficiaries, your email address and your password are sufficient.

In addition, PayPal offers you full protection in case of fraudulent use of your account by reimbursing you if necessary.

For additional information: